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10 Ways to Beat the Doldrums

Downhearted? Everyone suffers from an occasional bout of melancholy. The blues can be hard to shift, though, and can ruin your day unless you take action. Here are 10 simple ways to pick yourself up when you’re down in the dumps.

Be proactive
When you’re unhappy, it won’t help to focus on gloom. Get up and carry out a chore you’ve avoided, even if you don’t feel industrious. You’ll achieve a sense of satisfaction when you embark upon improvement.

Physical activity helps when your mood is low. Work out or take a stroll to increase feel-good chemicals that perk you up. If you’re stuck at home, use an exercise video or clean the house to get you moving.

Listen to upbeat music
Did you know music has the power to change your brainwaves? An upbeat tempo can lift your spirits and make you more positive. If you want to double the helpful impact of happy beats, dance along to the rhythm too.

Pamper yourself
Sometimes the blues stem from the need to experience warmth and comfort that soothes. If you’ve no one to hug, indulge in a pamper session. Take a hot bath and use essential oils to increase happiness. Bergamot, lavender, or lemon are smart choices since they uplift. Next, self-nurture even more with a foot massage.

Make plans
Improve your mindset and create a goal if you’ve got the blues because you’re in a rut. When life’s humdrum, make a change and your mood will improve. Consider how to enhance your mood and create an aim with small steps to your destination.

Time with others will help shift your focus from how you feel. Connect with friends and loved ones. If you can’t meet someone in person, phone them. Enjoy a Zoom or Skype session or revive the art of letter writing. You’ll discover the joy of receiving return mail you can read again and again and treasure letters you enjoyed.

Be with nature
Natural environments can soothe your soul and balance your emotions. Stroll along a sandy beach, sit next to a waterfall, or take a book to read and sit in your garden. Natural sounds, like the wind in the trees, and being among wildlife can brighten your day.

Get creative
You need not be a talented artist to enjoy creativity. Paint, draw, or engage in another form of artistry without trying to produce a masterpiece. Enjoy the process and bring out your childlike enthusiasm for fun.

Increase gratitude
It’s hard to stay down in the dumps when you’re full of gratitude. List all the things you’re thankful for and you’ll soon feel better. Consider your relationships, home, pets, friends, talents, and other joy-bringers.

Help someone
Research shows kindness benefits helpers and recipients. So, carry out chores for time-pushed friends, engage in voluntary work, or cheer up someone else who’s blue.

You won’t be miserable for long if you take control of your mood. Be active and positive. Whether you improve your life or someone else’s, or enter an uplifting environment, you’ll be happier.


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